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Picture Presence

The other day, on a whim, by brother’s significant other snapped a few pictures of my brother holding my youngest son, Parker. The pictures turned out better than I could have hoped. They speak volumes to the bond that is shared and all too often not spoken of. I don’t have many photos like the ones she took, making them a cherished gift.

But…. It got me thinking.

How many times do you experience something and wish you took a picture? Wish you could could freeze that moment and relive it at will?

How many times have you been so consumed with getting the perfect picture that you forget to be in the moment and experience the here and now emotions? The ones that will never feel the same, through mere reflection?

Isn’t that just like life? Constantly showing us that no two moments are ever the same. Endlessly presenting situations where we must choose. Choose between helping create a moment or helping preserve it.

Dilemma of Presence

In a space and time, surrounded by pressures to show who we are, what we do, what we want. A culture where we are indoctrinated to tell every piece of our story, it is often difficult to discern where to place our focus. Where to engage and where to refrain. When to share ourselves and when leave space for our unique mysteriousness.

I can only speak for myself, and it is my belief that it is important to recognize these choices in many if not all situations. And truth be told, not only do I struggle with making this choice, but in hindsight I often feel as though I didn’t make the correct one.

While this might seem to some. like a minor inconvenience, I feel as though in today’s culture it is an ever-present dilemma that has invaded the simplest of moments and is reshaping our sense of priority in an unhealthy fashion.

Memories of Choice

For example, while the pictures I now have of my brother and son truly are priceless, I realized in viewing them, that in the actual moment, I was not present. I didn’t soak in the energy, the active love. I was busy hoping it could be captured instead of letting it shape me, fill me, in the moment.

Picture Presence

In no way does this realization subtract from my gratefulness of having these photos. In no way am I saying or even insinuating that making the choice to capture and therefore preserve moments is more or less important. I am simply bringing to light the idea that there is value in both moments and memories, each to it’s own degree. As well, that each of us must decide which value offers us more purpose, peace and gratitude.

Published inFamilyGrowthKidsRelationshipsUncategorized

One Comment

  1. Marletta Williams Marletta Williams

    Aww the connection of an Uncle and nephew a special bond not only with their hearts but expressions shown especially unguarded.LOVE is Strong!!!

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