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More Than Me

There is More

I’ve spent about half of my life wrestling the feeling that there is more to me than who I am.

Let me attempt to explain:

I have always had a strong drive to accomplish, achieve, complete and excel at any task in front of me. I have a constant goal in my head that I am compelled to meet. So compelled, that I often have a hard time staying still, when focusing on it. This can often make it difficult to finish a lot of things.

Reign in Purpose

For example, while writing this very piece, the thoughts are intense and I have gotten up from my chair, put music on, tap my feet, run my fingers through my hair, click my fingers etc. as I take the words from my head to the keyboard. The intensity can be both effective and exhausting.

More Than Me

I always feel like there is so much more than what I can put into words. So much more than I can type, write, or effectively create.

So much more I can be.

So much more that I am.

For as long as I can remember I have had a tendency to feel out of place. Like I am internally capable of so much more than what my external being is able to do. Like my story of possibility is overshadowed by my reality of challenge.

I often make the analogy that I feel like bird without wings.

That doesn’t mean I don’t like being a bird, it means I must improvise and find a new way to fly.

I have no doubt that I am called to be a voice. A voice of connection, reconciliation empowerment and direction.

So here I am creating wings. A lot from determination, a bit from luck, some from divine intention a ton from the help of you.

Let’s fly!

Published inEverydayGoalsGrowthHealingLearningTimeUncategorized
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