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Make Space For Prosperity

I am someone who thrives on setting goals, having a pretty specific routine. I function best on regimen and consistency. Truth be told, I have to put a large amount of effort into not being so regimented and routine that I end up doing myself a disservice. I can easily get so wrapped up in a goal that I compartmentalize my life.

Cautious Effort

For example, one of my big long term goals is to rid myself of the extra weight I have been carrying around since giving birth to my first son, nearly 8 years ago. (This is not intended to be a weight loss post.) I know that if I truly focus, I can succeed. The catch is, that success for me means sticking vigorously to my food choices. I do not inherently see this as a negative practice, until I inevitably start to get so focused on figuring out which choices are working, that I limit myself to way less nutrients that what is healthy and or wise, because I have become just that routine in a short amount of time.

Self Sabotage

This is just one example of how I, and I assume many others, tend to sabotage our goals. Now you might be thinking, how have I sabotaged anything if I have met my goal? Here’s how: sabotage does not always look like not meeting a goal, but it does often look like sacrificing too many other healthy aspects, to meet a specific goal. It looks like becoming hyper focused to the point that we limit social interaction out of fear of encountering circumstances that will disrupt our regimen. It happens when we don’t allow ourselves a break form our current expectations and routine so we are unable to enjoy spontaneity or be lighthearted in most of our actions.

Balance Focus

One of the tactics I implement so that I am able to avoid falling into a cycle of exclusion, is to focus on more than one goal at a time. Now, some people may find this to be be counterproductive, but for me, it causes my attention to disperse which in turn helps to create a balance, leaving little room for hyper fixation.

Instead I find, that with my energy spread over two or three areas of focus, some of them being short term goals and others being lifestyle changes, I am able/forced to work toward my desired outcome at a realistic sustainable pace that will produce lasting results and a greater feeling of success.

A friend of mine recently stated the epitome of my hopes in finding balance with all life processes:

“Prosperity is drawn to order, because order supports space, and space is potential for creation.”-Shidiah Clark

Prosperity is brought forth by routine and…. routine, and space for the unavoidable struggles, setbacks and disappointments. For unforeseen outcomes, that lead to unimagined endings, and create unbelievable beginnings. Space for sustainable opportunity, growth and achievement.

Make Space For Prosperity

Published inEverydayGoalsGrowthHealingLearningTimeUncategorized

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