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Let’s Talk Balance

Balance is something most of us struggle with. Whether it be, financial. social, psychological or spiritual. Not to mention there are those of us who are lacking in the physical realm as well ( The struggle is real!)

Joking aside, finding balance is important concerning maintenance and essential to excelling and thriving in any lifestyle.

By the Book

Balance can be both a noun and a verb. Oxford Languages states, as a noun,” balance is a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. ” As a verb, it states balance means to , “keep or put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall”. To “offset or compare the value of (one thing) with another.”

Maybe the issue lies in the idea that life calls us to use both forms of balance at the same time. I mean, in order to keep balance in any area, we must stay balanced, right? That’s a hefty requirement.

There are potentially so many elements involved. Society is relentless in telling us how we need to spend our time and energy. We are told to balance our diet, exercise, screen time workload, family time budget, the list is endless. Where does one start? How does one find balance within such a constant face-paced world with countless options and demands?

By the Moment

Perhaps in engaging the verb, we create the noun. For me, deciding what I value most, even on a day-to-day basis is key. Understanding that the fulcrum can change gives me the freedom to experience new perspectives and include create opportunities for growth. For example, some days, my balance lies within domestic responsibilities and the boys’ education, while other days balance is created between a fun family outing and catching up on much needed sleep. And yet still there are days where the focus is placed upon simply remembering to be rather than do. To be balance within myself in order to actually balance.

I suppose one of the most effective points may be, there is value in realizing that there will always be unbalanced moments and that is indeed a part of creating and cultivating functional balance. After all, balance only works if it allows us grow in our understanding, and integrate the momentum created.

Published inEverydayGrowthHealingUncategorized
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