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It’s Not Yesterday

So often life seems like it is the same routine, different day. Raising kids, going to work, running errands, cleaning house, paying bills, and the list repeats. One day blurs into the next and it is easy to forget that today is not yesterday. That tomorrow really isn’t going to be today.

Because although the routines may be the same. Although the responsibilities may continuously exist, the essence of time is unstoppable and the change is in the details.

The change is in the moments we brush off as being mundane, and mistake for being common place. The change occurs in a instant, as the last of an experience happens and it fades into what used to be instead of what is or what will continue to be. All while we trudge through the present moment, unaware that our living landscape has eternally changed.

If you have ever experienced something such as having your child stop asking to cuddle during a thunderstorm or stop asking for a bedtime story. If you have ever had a close friend start a new job or obtain a promotion and widen their social circle. If you’ve ever developed a new hobby or pastime yourself, and had to prioritize your time differently, then you know what I am referring to.

It’s Not Yesterday Anymore

Although we know the changes are bound to come, and they often seem rather ambiguous, for they are usually of natural progression, the effects, i.e. the trickledown they have on our lives can be long lasting and character altering.

For even though subtle, they are not without significance. This is because, after we are able to recognize the unfolding of such changes, we often must come to terms with a shift in role, a narrowing of our comfort zone or a challenge to our accepted reality.

Today is not yesterday, leaving us both vulnerable and empowered in all that tomorrow offers.

Published inGrowthLearningRelationshipsTimeUncategorized
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