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Give Up

You read that correctly. Now, allow yourself to give up.

Give up your unrealistic self expectations. Give up your negative self-talk. Give up your belief that you are not good enough, not worthy, not strong. Give up the idea that perfection is the bar by which you need to judge yourself, and others.

Please give up the ludicrous false narrative you have playing in your head, causing you to believe and consequently act as if you cannot set boundaries, create peace, strive for goals, give yourself a break or whatever it is you need to do to be your favorite version of you.


You see, when we give up, we take a posture of openness. We open our clenched hands. We stop holding our breath, exhale the intensity collected. We drop our rigid protective pose and in the empty spaces created, we are able to reshape, reform and revive.

Contrary to popular thought and prominent opinion, there is not much easy about giving up. It often takes more strength, commitment and sheer will, to let go the habits, behaviors, and thoughts that we manifest through our actions or lack there of.

Here’s the thing, or one of them (at least in my experience,) when we let go of anything, there is a space left. Now sometimes we are able to leave well enough alone and simply breath in the openness, but more times than not we find ourselves needing to replace our loss. We need to fill the space.


You know what? That’s okay. It really is. As a matter of opinion, it is vital to give us the best chance of not returning to whatever it is that we are working so hard to cut ties with. Because you see, the truth is, at least for me, that we don’t give up habits, we replace them.

Just because we stop doing, thinking, believing something, does not mean that the time, space, or energy used in our former processes, goes way. This is where the struggle is often most evident. It is also the likely the most important step in the entire process.

Allowing oneself, and at times possibly forcing oneself to change habit, a perspective, behavior or action and make space to replace it with something different can be an empowering step toward creating a healthy well balanced persona.

This has so much to do with the idea that many of our habits etc. are handed down generationally, developed based on environmental factors, and fostered into becoming the building blocks of our lives and identities. All of this, often without intentional direction, acknowledgment or understanding.


Give up what was chosen for you, what you chose as a means of survival. Give up what you chose because you felt like you had no other choice.

Give Up

Give up and become your favorite you.

Published inEverydayGoalsGrowthHealingLearningTimeUncategorized


  1. Timmi Timmi

    Thank you..I’m passing this along to the women in my treatment center. I hope it helps them too.

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