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Empowered to Heal

I found myself in an uncomfortable circumstance today. It came about as all circumstances do, after a series of events that were mostly, if not entirely avoidable. It left me feeling frustrated, stressed and without mental tranquility.

After making a conscious effort to engage my coping skills and intentionally hold myself accountable for my reaction to the events and the resulting ambiance, I was able to gain the necessary perspective that:

We rise from many ashes, time and again.

It is in our burning that we are healed.

Let it burn and rise again.

We are mere space dust.

Given direction by divine orbit.

Existing in infinity.

Life is a bit like chasing ghosts backwards

Momentary and fleeting.

Disappearing from beyond and within.


Energy is constant and in every situation. No matter how how fleeting or minute we may be. The key is that we have the power. Our use of power lies in how much time and value we give that energy. In the big picture, we give away much more power than most circumstances are worthy of receiving. We must choose how to use our power wisely.

Empower yourself.

Published inGrowthHealingLearningPoetryTimeUncategorized
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