Once a seriesPrinted and boundEngraved and defined Once a bookWritten and copiedMarked and authored Once a chapterDeveloped and includedReviewed and revised Once a pagePondered and…
Glimpses of a Life Wrecked with Grace
Once a seriesPrinted and boundEngraved and defined Once a bookWritten and copiedMarked and authored Once a chapterDeveloped and includedReviewed and revised Once a pagePondered and…
I had a full circle moment the other day. One that was genuine, long awaited, empowering and convicting. Yea…it was quite the moment. It was…
Stuck in a moment that never existedStrapped to hurdles lingering in thoughtLonging for placement in stories unwrittenFading grip Crouched in empty questions, stirring Reckless wonder…