A couple of posts back, I wrote, Making Piece With Pieces. This post may be viewed as a subset of the previous.
What happens when our pieces haunt us? When we feel that we would be better off if we could just forget that certain pieces exist?
Unwanted Pieces
We all know the pieces I am referring to. The ones that keep us awake at night, playing on loop in our minds. The ones that, no matter the time that has passed, still cause us to sweat and squirm while we put intentional effort into changing our thoughts, to escape losing our composure within memories.
I can only truly speak for myself, so, my response is that there are several things we can do, and several things we must do.
We Can We Must
- Acknowledge the experience
- Identify the emotions evoked either in the immediate or in memory
- Give ourselves time
- Use that time
- Recognize that as with any experience, this one does and/or will take up space- it does and/or will have a shape
- In time understand/ come to terms with the idea that we have the ability to change the amount of space and perhaps alter the shape
- Recognize that healing is process.- One that may repeat itself. One that may never fully complete
- Accept
Acceptance does not always include agreement, surrender, comfort or peace. It does not mean things are fair, or just or deserved.
Simply put, it means the experience is a piece of our reality. A piece of our puzzle.